Remarkable Home Innovation and Ingenious Design Ideas
Prepare for an eyeful of home design
remarkable home innovation and ingenious design ideas - video
If you want some ingenious home design ideas, this video is full of remarkable innovation and creativity. Home design videos are popular on YouTube because we love to see the imagination and craftsmanship of others.
Prepare for an eyeful of home designs that include folding houses and dome homes. Houseboats, micropods, rotating homes, and eco-efficient home designs are others. I hope you enjoy the video. Thank you for watching!
Featured Homes
00:00 Sky Sphere design by Jono Williams Jono Wlliams on YouTube
00:44 Honomobo Mstudio | M.5 Tiny Home
02:04 Mirage Home design by Kois Architecture
02:44 Steel House design by Robert Bruno
03:24 Enable House | Northwestern University
04:21 Arc House design by Green Builder Media Green Builder Media on Youtube
05:14 Nautilus EI-Home by Nautilus House Boats Nautilus House Boats Website
06:10 Modscape Cliff House | Modscape
The egg-shaped microhome utilizes solar and wind energy. Designed by Nice Architects, a firm based in Bratislava, Slovakia.
06:53 Ecocapsule | Subscribe to Ecocapsule on YouTube
08:27 Rustic Foldable Houses by Brette Haus | Subscribe to Brette Haus on YouTube
10:54 Nomad Micro Homes | Check out Nomad Micro Homes website
11:46 EconOdome Home design by EconOdome
12:28 UFO Flying Saucer House | Curtis W. King
13:08 Flatpack M.A.D.I
14:20 Astroturf House | Weichlbaeur Ortis
15:03 Retreat Small Home design by Timbercraft Tiny Homes
16:00 Hemeroscopium House | Ensamble Studio | Antón Garca-Abril
16:39 Design by Our H2Ouse
17:46 The Mushroom House was designed by Jim Johnson, Peter Strong, and William Ashton
18:24 Cobb Solar Dome | Glass Dome Eco House
19:16 A.M.I.E 1.0 design by Skidmore Owings Merrill | Subscribe to Skidmore Ownings Merrill on YouTube
20:14 Wing House Foldable Spaces | Wing Houses
21:13 Bolton Eco House | Make Architects
22:04 747 The Wing House design by David Hertzfaia
22:41 Earthship Homes First | Architect Michael Reynolds
This vertical campground in Marseille France provides subversive shelter for the homeless.
23:37 A-Kamp47 Shelter design by MALKA Architecture
24:13 Reservoir Home design by Ann Hardy and Rob Lester
24:54 Humanihut Shelter You can find out more on the Humanihut Shelter Website.
25:39 Shipping Container Homes
26:36 Snow White Cottage | Evonne Bess
27:30 Biodomes and Geodesic Dome Homes
29:02 Kirsh Home design by Errol J Kirsch
29:36 NeighborHub | The Swiss Team
30:36 Quixote Village design by Quixote Community
31:15 Drop Eco-Hotel
32:21 Stone House, Casa do Penedo | Engineer Guimares
33:01 Houseboat H Net-Zero design by Lanker Design
pan treetop cabins
Located in Norway are two remarkable 26-foot-high treetop cabins with all modern facilities.
33:49 PAN Treetop Cabin by Architect Espen Surnevik PAN Treehouse Cabins Rental Information
34:42 McBride Dome House design by McBride Charles Ryan
35:09 Casa Ruotante on YouTube
35:59, Ten Fold Homes on YouTube
37:44 Sinatra Living | University of Nevada, Las Vegas
38:56 Highlands Geodesic Dome design by Asilia Africa
39:46 Galaxy Villa Dome
41:32 Milton Sidley House | Architect Ed Niles
42:16 Pearl Home design by Solaleya
42:57 Smith Mansion design by Roadside America
flex house
Created by Shelter Dynamics, the Flex House is next-generation housing built for function, efficiency, and sustainability.
43:44 Flex House design by Shelter Dynamics
44:31 Deaton Sculptured House | Architect Charles Deaton
45:12 Bear Creek Dome design by Natural Space Domes
45:49 Harwyn Pods Website
46:35 Nautilus House
47:19 Tree In The House design by Aibek Almassov
47:55 Thailand Dome Home design by Steve Areen
48:59 Kastita HomeE Website
50:01 Pod Space Website
50:56 Biomorphic House
51:36 Dome of a Home | Mark and Valerie Sigler
52:12 White Pod Eco-Luxury Hotel
52:57 Steve's Unity Wagon
53:54 POD-Idladla
54:50 Dick Clark's Flintstones-Inspired Home
55:24 OPod Tube Housing design by James Law Cybertecture
Teaming up with General Motors, Michelin has been crafting a more sustainable tire for our future called the Michelin Uptis. The two companies are looking at a mass-market launch around 2024.